The Scottish Highlands continued to reveal their stunning beauty as the Ride & Stride team advanced north on their nine-day 500 mile walk, run and cycle marathon. The weather through days three, four and five stayed generally fine, with the odd downpour giving our intrepid team the occasional soaking, but their spirits weren't dampened as the scenery more than compensated.

The beautiful remoteness of the mountains and lochs around Drumbeg provided a fantastic backdrop for the team as they made stready progress northwards. More typical of the Highland od South America a llama farm provided a welcome distraction to the team!

After the llama-break, they continued north to Cape Wrath, the most north-western tip of the British mainland - the picture below shows Nick, Ride & Stride's Nordic "Ninja" (he's an expert walking with nordic poles) next to Cape Wrath's lighthouse.

After Cape Wrath, the following day the team rode and strode onwards to the more famous landmark of John O' Groats, with the weather a little less kind and the cyclists being hit by some heavy winds along the way. Undaunted, they struggled on to the northernmost point of the British mainland and also 'stumbled' on the 8 Doors distillery, where they received an informal tasting and tour, prior to its official opening to the public.

From John O' Groats they headed south not that you have much choice without a boat!). A further milestone as they turned for home was passing the £9,000 donations target for our chosen charities, Cancer Research UK, MIND and Parkinson's UK. A massive thanks to all those who have supported us - there's still time to make a donation at www.justgiving.com/team/rideandstride