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corporate chair massage
circuit training for companies

Government statistics tell us that around 9.5 million working days are lost every year as a result of musculoskeletal problems, many of which are related to lower back and neck pain – often as a consequence of the time spent by employees working in sedentary roles, seated at computers. Consequently, many businesses are now adopting a more proactive duty of care for the overall wellbeing of their staff, offering services such as onsite chair massage, personal training sessions and circuit training. 


I'll work with your business to customise a programme which can: 

  • Fit flexibly around staff working hours

  • Increase overall staff motivation and fitness levels

  • Help reduce absenteeism

  • Improve staff retention by providing free or subsidised services as part of an employee benefits programme


POA for chair massage, circuit training and personal training subject to frequency and nature of activity. 

Horizon demo event 011019.jpg

Fitter Longer now provides corporate massage sessions at the Horizon Business Centre in Henley. The service is proving really beneficial and convenient for the employees in the different businesses. The service is also available to local residents in the Hurley, Henley and Burchetts Green area.  

"It was fab and really helped my sore back, l hope we are able to have a regular session"

"Really enjoyed the session and felt taller and less tense afterwards "

"I can highly recommend Julian. I saw him last week for a massage and I can say he is very knowledgeable and took the time to give me advice on various exercises I can do myself at home. The massage itself was very good and the pressure was just right, it really hit the spot"


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Complete the contact form above or call 07956 428810 for more information or to arrange a consultation. Massage treatments are either in the treatment room in the BEJSC at the Bourne End Academy or at your home, if preferred.

Fitter Longer, Trenake, Hedsor Road, Bourne End SL8 5DN

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